Articles that resonate with farmers and the environment
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SEPTEMBER 18th, 2023
Udder health: besides breeding, management plays an important role
This is the title of an article in @Holstein International in which we, at SOP, are included as one of the solutions to keeping pathogens under control. Inside, there is also a quote by Daniele Aspesi, our Research and Development Manager.
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SEPTEMBER 15th, 2023
From October 3rd-6th we will be at the World Dairy Expo, in Madison, Wisconsin, USA!
The largest fair in the world dedicated to milk production, with over 650 participating companies from all over the world! And we will be there! If you are in the area, come to visit us at the EH pavilion, stand 1208/1209, and we will tell you how to make your milk more sustainable!
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SEPTEMBER 1st, 2023
New products: Cocus Cereals Compact e Cocus Herbage Compact
From October 2023, two new products will be available with an optimized formula and compatible with the latest agromechanical technologies in the crop fields. The two new solutions are Cocus Cereals Compact, for cereals, grasses and grass mixes, and Cocus Herbage Compact, for legumes and mixtures of legumes and grasses.
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MAY 26th, 2023
SOP has improved its sustainability rating!
Sustainability has always been at the center of SOP - Save Our Planet's mission and values. We are proud to report that SOP has been certified as sustainable, with a new rating of “AAA”, with an 86.11% alignment with the 17 United Nations SDGs.
read here
FEBRUARY 8th, 2023
SOP LAGOON has been proven to reduce dairy effluent emissions in a new study
Recent scientific research carried out in collaboration with the University of Milan has confirmed the effectiveness of SOP Lagoon in reducing methane emissions, by up to 80%, and carbon dioxide emissions from the manure storage tanks, by up to 75%, both of these being among the main sources of methane and carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere on farms.
MARCH 12th, 2021
Reducing N Fertilization without Yield Penalties in Maize
Conventional management of agricultural production often depletes soil quality and decreases soil health. Depleted soils can further reduce the provision of essential ecosystem services for crop production and local environments, impacting yield and water use efficiency.
FEBRUARY 13th, 2020
SOP LAGOON works in the USA, too!
This is part of a conversation between David Grimes, past President of the WMO and Manager of the Meteorological Service of Canada since July 2006, and farmer and environmental influencer Derrick Josi during a walk on the latter's farm in Oregon.